Thursday 31 August 2017

AMAZON TOUR ~~~~~ Breathe In by Michelle Bellon

Breathe In

by Michelle Bellon

A Thriller/Suspense

Published: June 27, 2017

Publisher: Limitless Publishing

“If you like dark thrillers THIS book is right up your alley! If you've never read a Michelle Bellon book-this one is, seriously, her best book yet! I have loved them all, but this one ..WOW!” - 5 Star Amazon Review

“I couldn't set it down!!” - 5 Star Amazon review

I received an arc through a group that normally offers romance based books, so a straight up thriller is not a genre I typically read. Hence, this is one heck of a book to have impressed and captivated me in the way that it did. I'd planned on reading it over a couple of days, but ended up reading late into the night (ok early hours!) to complete it.

Tessa can be annoying at times, but it makes her very human and real. She starts out as a doormat, allowing herself to be treated badly by others. I loved how she found her voice and her inner strength, as she comes to terms with her ordeal, and became that phoenix.

The book does feel a little slow at first, but that could have been because I was waiting for her to be kidnapped. Because of that the suspense and angst kicked off from the start for me! Kidnappers aside there are 3 male characters and, for me, they all became suspects, either on their own or in some combination, at different points in the book. That is the quality of the writing.

The plot is never confusing but various facts/observations emerge that turn your thoughts first one way, then the other. The kidnap scenes are dark and contain a lot of potential triggers. Tessa's reactions and feelings after the kidnap felt so very real and whilst some of her actions were criminal (and in a big way), you sort of couldn't blame her. 

Some reviewers have mentioned about the romance in this book. As an avid romance reader, I personally found the romance very vague and minimal, but it isn't what the book is about so I was OK with that. 

Whilst there is a very definite conclusion to the story, I didn't know where life was heading for Tessa. Would she continue her vigilante ways? Did she intend on commencing a relationship with Tobin? And the biggest was over the delivery of the SD card - for me that was the only unrealistic part of the book. 

I've not read any work by this author before, but I will be keeping an eye out for her work in future.

Breathe in, breathe out. This mantra gets Tessa Benson through the day.
The man she loves walks all over her, and she just wants to get by without her heart shattering to pieces. If she could find her voice, she’d scream.

Everything changes in one night, when she’s snatched from the streets and tied to a bed, a camera set up to capture her dying moment. And the person who paid to watch her still out there somewhere.

Tessa prowls dark neighborhoods in a quest for justice, but she doesn’t find the killer. Not until they strike again…in the place Tessa is least expecting, and where it hurts worst.

Blindly, I run across the lot. As I round the corner, I run smack into someone as they are coming the opposite direction.  
“Tessa? Are you okay?”
I glance up through the stream of tears to see a blurry image of Gerald. “No, no. I just want to go home.” I push off his chest and stumble backward, then turn and flee the opposite direction without saying a word, ignoring Gerald’s plea of confusion as the distance between us widens. I pray he won’t follow. I just want to get away from this place. 
I keep running until I’m at least a few blocks away. Winded, fatigued, and little sick to my stomach, I stop. I lean against the wall of a building, taking in sharp gasps of air, and look around. Thankfully, Gerald didn’t follow. Where am I? Terin. I left Terin back at the club. I can’t go back there. I’ll have to call her and let her know I’ve gone home. She’ll be fine. 
My phone? Where is my phone? It was in my handbag. I had my handbag when I left the club with Tom. Shit. It must be in his car. Fear, pain, shame, anger, guilt, all well up tight within my chest and rise until I feel as if I will go mad. I run my fingers through my hair and cry so hard I start to gag again. I want to puke. Get that man out of me. Get him out!
“Can I help you? Are you okay?”
Startled, I spin around. The man from the library is standing at the corner, maybe fifteen feet away. My crying wanes as muddled thoughts spin around in my mind, trying to make sense of it all. Why is he here? Did he follow me from the club? His brow is pinched with a look of concern. He takes a step forward. “Are you okay?”
My knees and hands are trembling violently. “I’m…I’m fine.” I drag both hands across my face, swiping away the tears.
He takes another step forward. “Are you sure? You seem upset. Are you ill?”
I take a step back. I don’t want any further interaction tonight. I’ve had more than enough. All I want to do is go home. And this guy…he seems friendly, but he freaks me out. “No, really. I’m fine. I’m just on my way home.”
Another step forward. “Do you need a ride?”
Another step back. Why won’t anyone listen to me? “No. I’m fi…”
Something is pulled over my head from behind. The world is dark and muffled. I scream. Hands go around my waist. My arms arc outward, side to side, hoping to hit anything in my path. What is happening? Fear, stark and white, drains the blood from my head to my toes. I’m dizzy. 
Voices bark out sharp orders but I’m flailing about and screaming so I can’t make out what they’re saying. Another set of hands grab my legs and pull them out from under me so now I’m being carried by two men…one by my waist and the other by my legs. I writhe and twist. I have to get out of this. I need to get away. What is happening? My breath plumes in and out in short, hot gasps inside the small bag over my head. Claustrophobia flares up. A stronger wave of panic follows. I’m…going…to pass…out.

Michelle Bellon lives in the Pacific Northwest with her four quirky and beautiful children. She loves coffee, Superman, rollercoasters, and has an addiction to chapstick.
She works as a registered nurse and in her spare time writes novels. As a multi-genre author, she has written in the categories of romance suspense, young adult, women’s fiction, and literary fiction. She has won four literary awards. You can visit Michelle’s website at


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