Thursday 21 February 2019

It's time to get DEPRAVED! 

Depraved by Eva Charles is LIVE!!!


Or read it #FREE if you're a KindleUnlimited member!!!


I’m J.D. Wilder, and it takes a lot to shame me, but we’re about to see where you draw the line.

Gabrielle Duval once belonged to me. And like it or not, she'll be mine again. In a world where money, power and corruption rule, I'm prepared to do whatever it takes. Although nothing with that woman is ever easy. But believe me when I tell you, I'll enjoy every minute of the fight.


A well written and exciting first part to this duet, I'm looking forward to reading the rest.

Hmm, this is one of those difficult to rate and review books. Overall I liked it, after all it held my attention all the way through to the cliff-hanger ending. In fact several times I found myself reading and page flipping as fast as I could. Overall I liked both main characters, and some behaviours that irked me were necessary for the plot, so I could accept them.

However I had a couple of BIG 'NOPE' moments with the book though again, once I set my mind to letting go of them, I did enjoy what I read. 

#1 was the fact that they had been together for approx 2 years starting when she was 15 and he was 17. The story is set about 15 years later than this but both are still not over the other one. Sorry but that was just too ridiculous and unbelievable, as was the idea that they indulged in a very kinky/BDSM type relationship for those two TEENAGE years. 

#2 was the whole JD not being able to be honest with Gabrielle, or tell her the truth of why he was worried for her safety. It just didn't wash or make sense, other than the author deciding this was a key point to spin the story around.

Julian/ JD said it all himself with " Why can't I tell her? No reason."

Regarding the second point, JD did start revealing some things to Gabrielle, which helped me get into the story more. I also liked that JD shared his doubts/concerns/suspicions with his brothers and his best friend, so at least we as the reader were not kept totally in the dark. Again this was something that not only helped engage me with the story as well as driving the plot along.

At first I thought this was going to be all about JD manipulating Gabrielle, messing with her head and forcing her into an intolerable situation. I was expecting quite a dark and twisty read, but it isn't that at all. JD is a good man doing some bad things but with the best of intentions. 

However very quickly it morphed into them indulging in a hot and kinky sexual 'non-relationship' for a while, whilst twisting throughout was also a suspense element. Towards the end the sexual shenanigans were pushed aside to bring the suspense part more to the fore. This, for me, felt as though it impacted the pace on a couple of occasions. The majority of the time the pace was good though, for me, it did swing from too slow to too fast a handful of times. 

The writing style is easy to read, it flows smoothly and I didn't notice any glaring grammar or spelling errors. The dialogue felt very natural and all the characters we met seemed well rounded, I liked how many of them were woven into the plot even without necessarily appearing in that particular scene. 

I'm very much looking forward to reading the concluding half of this story and would recommend it to those who love a steamy romantic suspense.



About Eva

A confirmed city-girl, Eva moved to rural Western Massachusetts in 2014. She found herself living in the woods with no job, no friends (unless you count the turkey, deer, and coyote roaming the backyard), and no children underfoot, wondering what on earth she had been thinking. But as it turned out, it was the perfect setting to take all those yarns spinning in her head and weave them into steamy love stories. A romantic at heart, Eva looks forward to date night all week. The perfect evening includes well-crafted cocktails, a fabulous perfume, Cherry Garcia ice cream, and her husband, of course. If you add good friends, live jazz, and impossible shoes, she will follow you anywhere. Eva holds a BA from Boston College, and a JD from the Washington College of Law. She spent a career working in domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and civil rights. Aspects of this work often find their way into her books. When she's not writing sexy stories, trying to squeeze information out of her tight-lipped sons, or playing with the two cutest dogs you've ever seen, Eva's creating chapters in her own love story.

Find Eva Online! Amazon: 


5 stars - This is a book I will not forget and would definitely read again.

4 stars - I really enjoyed this book, I might not read it again but I would definitely recommend it to others.

3 stars - This story was good but either forgettable or just very typical of its genre.

2 stars - Whilst the book was readable I either didn't enjoy parts of the plot or just could not connect to the main characters.

1 star - This is a book I simply could not finish for reasons listed in the review.

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