Monday, 7 December 2015

Me on Monday .... the putting up the tree weekend

Hello and a very happy Monday to Sian and all the other Monday sharers out there.

What is it about weekends and storms?  I still haven't got my bulbs in the garden, or tidied it up. 

However when I see the havoc the weather has wreaked for some of you I will try not to grumble (too much).

It was a weekend of finally getting Christmas shopping underway (online), not managing to visit the Christmas tree festival, enjoying some mother-daughter time, starting to sort stash and giving up, getting a praise postcard, watching telly, watching a dance show but having to miss OH's carol concert, seeing family, completing the family set of Christmas jumpers, cups of tea in Tesco, chatting with an old 'friend/acquaintance', ironing and laundry, putting up the lounge tree and getting a little tired of wet and windy weekends. 

I have managed to actually purchase the older-by-one-minute son a few Christmas presents.  I've only been asking him what he would like for a month or two!

After this success I seemed to get carried away and bought quite a few more items.  Still not sure I've done it all yet.

I did some housework which led to me deciding to tidy, sort and hopefully get rid of some stash.  After spreading stuff everywhere I got distracted and came back later having lost the will to finish the task.

I stuffed it all into a back to sort at some other time.

The girl child and I headed into our local town for an hour or two.  I got some Christmas cards but managed to forget my nephew's birthday card.

We nearly got blown off our feet a couple of times by the gales.  We were checking out lipstick colours as the girl child has several on her Christmas list.  Guess she isn't so much of a child anymore!

I watched 'It's a Wonderful Life'.

It's one of those films I've seen parts of but on Saturday I managed to watch the whole film.
We then had a clash of events Saturday evening, with my OH singing as part of Torkard Ensemble, at a local church, and my daughter dancing at a Christmas show hosted by her dance school.

Since my daughter needed driving to the event in a neighbouring town, that is what I watched. 

My sister and parents also went, which gave me a chance to give them the Christmas cards I had bought earlier!

Sunday involved the usual food shop, however we found Christmas jumpers for the boys* (the rest of us have one already) a got a lovely cyclamen to grace the table.

*which they put on immediately!

As the girl child had received a praise postcard from school she was given a treat.  She chose a box of praline chocolates - she takes after her mum!

We called in at Tesco's for a few Christmas mugs and some dishwasher salt.  We hit the cafĂ© first, which has undergone an amazing transformation since the last time I used it, it serves Costa drinks and has couches and chairs rather than the work canteen style it used to be.  A very pleasant surprise.

I remembered the items I had gone in for ... my OH just had the dishwasher salt to collect, so you can guess what we didn't buy can't you!

It was an afternoon of catching up on missed Dr Who and I'm a celebrity, watching some more old films and fetching the trees and decorations from the loft.
This slipped into an evening of planning school work and watching Vicky become Queen of the Jungle.
During this time my OH kindly assembled the tree and put the lights on it - we are slowly adding decorations to it!

I'm definitely NOT ready for Christmas!

Louise x


  1. I really like cyclmen plants, but alas the fur girls would eat. What a busy weekend you had, I enjoy school concerts & purposely tag along to my friend's daughter's concert. Your tree is looking fabulous, I take days to finish decorating the trees & even then I spend the rest of the season just tweaking this ornament & that ornament ... the flooding was on our news & it looks quite bad.

  2. You sound like you are more ready than I am. I am one step ahead of you. I have finally finished planting bulbs including some hyacinths in bowls which husband informed me would never be up for Christmas. He got a snappy response of he could have always done them himself.......

  3. I'm relieved to hear from someone else who had only seen parts of "It's a Wonderful life". I thought I was about the only person anyone who hadn't seen the whole thing until recently! Re stash: I can't wait to get our tree up: but it was pointed out to me yesterday that all my stuff is spread out on the floor right beneath the hatch for the attic ladder. I think I'd better tidy up, then..

    Have a great week Louise

  4. oh I love It's a Wonderful Life! Glorious feel good film! Your tree looks lovely! Good luck with the rest of the Christmas shopping - you sound further ahead than me!

  5. You may not think you're ready but you seem to be well on your way. And what a host of festive things you did too - the tree, the film, watching a dance show. All those things happen in our house too at this time of year. Hope you get the rest sorted this weekend xx


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