Monday, 23 November 2015

Me on Monday ... the very cold weekend one

Hello everyone and a big thank you to Sian for kindly hosting Me On Monday.

Some purchased floral cheer.

It was a fairly quiet weekend, with too much time spent on paperwork and not enough spent on housework!  Saturday saw us wake up to a smattering of snow - it was only really present around the edge of the garden and on car windscreens.  I was going to take a photo but there wasn't enough to really show up (and I certainly wasn't venturing out into the biting cold!).

I did have to dash out eventually in order to post some happy mail and stock up on bread and milk.  Somehow we ended up popping into the local church - Saint Mary Magdalene's for a spot of bell ringing.

Ernest Sollis is looking for more bellringers at St Mary Magdalene Church in Hucknall. nhud-04-11-14 bellringe(2)
Not my photo - I didn't have my camera of course - this is from The Dispatch, our local paper.

I was rather traumatised by the 23 steps that were very steep, narrow and spiralled dizzyingly up to the bell ringing area. 

It was worse going down - I had to turn around and almost crawl down... so embarrassing!

But it was very interesting to listen to the above gentleman tell us all about the bells and how they are rung.  They are looking for people to join so that the bells can be rung more frequently.  If it wasn't for the steps up and down I would be tempted.

I watched an old Denzil Washington film whilst the youngest child was at a Guides crafting event and caught up on some 'I'm a celebrity...' that I had missed the night before.

I also got some washing pegged out AND dried, despite it being very ,very cold outside. 

Before I knew it was time for Strictly, Dr Who (I really wasn't expecting that!) and Casualty.  I watched most of Celebrity and then went to bed.

When I woke up on Sunday I thought it was Saturday for a few minutes and was then very disappointed when I realised it wasn't. 

It was a getting the jobs done day, having Sunday Dinner early rather than late, watching an Eddie Murphy film, planning lessons and trying to write a test (and failing) Sunday. 

It was also a buying some Christmas cups Sunday.

There are two more similar to this - the picture was too blurry!

Normally I would have bought identical cups, because cups should match and be coordinated.

But of course cups are fragile, especially when handled by my husband when he doesn't want to be loading the dishwasher.

So we have lots of un-matching cups.  It is my intention to buy 2 or 3 more cups (which will be the same as some of these) but my hope is that by having a mix and match collection it won't be quite so annoying when one of them gets broken....

....or chipped by someone grumpily loading the dishwasher.

I hope you have had a good week and a weekend of note.  I am hoping to have time tonight to get around and visit you all ... but I do have some marking to do that has been hanging like a millstone around my neck for a week.  If I don't see you today I promise I'll be round tomorrow!  We have another big union meeting at work (also one at ACAS) today, it seems to be two steps forward and one step back.  I think today is going to be make or break but I've reached the stage of 'whatever will be will be'....

...which makes me think of Doris Day singing 'Que Cera, Cera' and you can not help but smile with that thought in your head.

Have a great week and thanks for stopping by

Louise x


  1. I have quite a few sets of matching mugs with one missing. My best trick is dropping them on the granite work top which is very unforgiving. Snow? None of that here. Bell ringing sounds good. A friend of mine does it she does find it quite a commitment. Have a good week.

  2. I noticed a chip on a dinner plate as I unloaded the dishwasher here this morning. Ack! The mugs are ok but our plates are failing.

    I'm going to be singing that for the rest of the afternoon now..It's funny, I grew up with my Mum singing Doris Day round the house and now when I open my mouth to sing it's my mum's voice I hear. We are more alike than I'd care to admit sometimes :) Now there's a Monday confession for you lol

    Have a good week

  3. I chuckled about the dishwasher & husband. I don't know how many times I've asked that cups go on one side, the glasses on the other! Church bells ringing, such a wonderful sound. Locally they now use a recording so all someone has to do is turn on the CD. Not the same. I must confess I do like a variety in my Christmas mugs. I like your new mugs.

  4. Dishwasher and grumpy husband combination not an issue in this house. We don't have the former! Love your Scandi mugs. My boy is surviving among the unpleasant flat mates and feels he can't cope with the change that moving out would bring right now. Still loving the course and got strong passes for his first two assignments. Thanks for asking :-) Have a good week.

  5. Sounds like you have had a busy and mixed weekend. I was looking at all the lovely Christmas china in Boundary Mills this weekend and did muse that it would be lovely to have Christmas china but where on earth would I store it all - I content myself with having a Marillion Christmas mug and it will soon be time to bring it out - roll on 1st December. Good luck with your ACAS meeting and hope you have a good week.

  6. Sounds like you have had a busy and mixed weekend. I was looking at all the lovely Christmas china in Boundary Mills this weekend and did muse that it would be lovely to have Christmas china but where on earth would I store it all - I content myself with having a Marillion Christmas mug and it will soon be time to bring it out - roll on 1st December. Good luck with your ACAS meeting and hope you have a good week.

  7. WE dont have matching mugs here I'm afraid but we do use our Christmas mugs during December x
    Have a good week.

  8. Bell ringing and cup collecting sounds very festive to me. I've finally got around to getting two more Christmas dessert plates because I have been two short for several years now. Que sera, sera!


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